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Morning Walks

The Benefits of Morning Walks for the Heart

Regular exercise constitutes one of the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle and plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Exercise offers numerous advantages, including the enhancement of heart health. However, not everyone perceives that they have adequate time for engaging in regular workout routines. Fortunately, simple activities such as morning walks can serve as an alternative form of exercise.

Walking and Heart Health

Dr. Bayushi Eka Putra, a specialist in cardiology and vascular medicine, elucidates that consistently walking up to 10,000 steps each day can aid in reducing the risk of heart attacks. Dr. Bayushi states, “Research indicates that engaging in walking activities averaging above 6,000 steps, and even better, above 9,000 to 10,000 steps daily, can lead to a decrease in the likelihood of heart attacks.”

He delves further into the subject, emphasizing that physical activities like walking can ameliorate metabolism and assist in diminishing fat in the abdominal area, a potential cause of insulin resistance. “Unchecked, this can give rise to metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and high cholesterol. These three conditions predominantly stem from inactivity or a lack of movement throughout the day,” he expounds.

The Optimal Time for Walking

Dr. Bayushi also tackles the matter of timing for walking exercises. Several myths exist concerning the ideal time for exercise, with some advocating that particular times of the day, such as nighttime, are less suitable for physical activity.

He clarifies that no specific time is earmarked for exercise. Nonetheless, he observes that walking in the morning confers additional benefits compared to other times of the day. Dr. Bayushi comments, “There is no designated time, but generally, mornings represent the optimal time. One rationale is that the morning sun provides exposure to sunlight, which can be advantageous. Second, we are refreshed after waking up, and morning exercise can help maintain alertness throughout the day. Nevertheless, from a chronobiological perspective, to the best of my knowledge, no specific factor ascribes superiority to morning or evening exercise.”

In conclusion, incorporating morning walks into your daily regimen, particularly in the morning, can represent a simple yet effective means of enhancing heart health and mitigating the risk of heart attacks. Consistent physical activity, irrespective of the time of day, constitutes an essential element for overall well-being.